New Titleist Website

Follow Thread

By Bart van der Does

  • 3 Replies
  1. Bart van der Does

    Bart van der Does
    The Netherlands

    Hi TeamTitleist, As you reading this, you guys figured out they have launched the website in a new jacket.

    How you experience it so far?

    I think the website is more and better responsive now. The search & scrolling part is improved. I do think the white is too much. It's so bright it almost hurt your eyes when you are in dark environments.

    I like the refer team Titleist part. New buttons, great job so far. Looking forward to reading your feedback.

    Happy swings,


  2. AAsh


    I think the new updated website is far better than the previous one it looks more of a modern site and is easy to navigate
  3. Was a bit challenged originally (a Heads Up would have helped!!) but found my way round in reasonable time.

  4. Simon Worsfold

    Simon Worsfold

    Morning all.

    I must say i really like, I travel into London most mornings on a train, so when I’m on my phone browsing alway its a much easier site to use.

    I like the “ see it all “ button that gives you the drop down box and has more features available, also the new search box is much improved also.

    Just feels alot more user friendly.

    Best wishes

    Simon Worsfold

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