First Time Ace

Follow Thread

By MtotheW72

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  • 3 Replies
  1. MtotheW72

    Bradenton, FL

    Played today at River Strand Golf & Country Club. Sanctuary Course, 7th hole, 152 yards, stiff wind. Using my 718 AP2 7-Iron, I hit a little draw that landed about 15 feet short, Tracked to the hole the entire way right-to-left and dropped. Think my playing partners were more excited than I was. Shocked to say the least. Only took 24 years. Lol

    Post Image
  2. MtotheW72

    Bradenton, FL

    Bradenton, Florida. Forgot that.
  3. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

  4. Congratulations

    Sounds like a perfect shot with a perfect result

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