Bag Tags

Follow Thread

By JimJim O

  • 15 Replies
  1. How do I get a Team Titleist Bag Tag?

  2. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    I got one sent to me after being active in the TT community last year.
  3. Tyler H

    Tyler H
    Appleton, WI

    Stay active on Team Titleist and you never know what will show up in the mail.
  4. I would love one too!
  5. There was one where a week or so ago there was a page I opened and you could enter your address and it said it would arrive within 4-6 weeks while supplies last. Maybe if you google it it could help. Cheers.
  6. Military
    I would love one too
  7. Thomas K

    Thomas K
    Steamboat Springs, CO

    I had one but someone took it off my golf bag. And not returned it!
  8. Steve S

    Steve S
    Denison, TX

    You are doing it. Keep contributing to TT and you never know what the mail man might bring.
  9. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    JimJim: First thing I would do is complete your profile and then be active on team Titleist.
  10. Kevin Halvorson

    Kevin Halvorson
    Bowling Green, Ky

    Wonder what it takes to get a #teamtitleist bag tag?
  11. Kevin Halvorson

    Kevin Halvorson
    Bowling Green, Ky

    Any one know if you can purchase Team Titleist bag tags?
  12. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Titleist does not sell the bag tags. They come to those who are active on the community. It took me a while to earn mine.
  13. Kevin Halvorson

    Kevin Halvorson
    Bowling Green, Ky

    Heck I would buy one, I need to add it to my set.
  14. Rick R

    Rick R
    Graham, WA

    Just keep it up !!! Stay active... TT is awesome to loyalists and contributors !!!
  15. Rick R

    Rick R
    Graham, WA

    Stick around and stay active !! TT is very kind to contributors and loyalists !!!
  16. Be an active member and it will come. Santa came early this year I just received my bag tag on today on Christmas eve! Merry Christmas!

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