KBS Tour Stiff vs DG S300

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By Stephen F

  • 1 Reply
  1. Stephen F

    Stephen F
    Belleville Ontario, ON

    Hey folks,

    Any thoughts out there on which of the two shafts you'd prefer in you irons?  I'm going to get fitted in the near future but at the same time I'd like some input from my fellow TT members on their shaft preferences.  I've always had DG S300's in my irons but I'm going to compare with the KBS to see what the differences if any are.

  2. Chris W

    Chris W
    Maple, ON

    Hi Stephen F,

    KBS Tour should feel slightly lighter and launch higher than DG.  Most players gain some ball speed and achieve a slightly higher flight.  Both shafts fit a lot of players!

    I hope this helps!


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